Ruth's Reading List 4/24/15

Funding Sources and Valuation Considerations

As your company goes through its life cycle: start-up, growth, expansion, maturity, and someday, exit strategy, you will need appropriate funding to support such activities. Today's blog includes several articles discussing various types of funding, important differences between debt and equity, and an overview of how a valuation may be determined for your company.

Many of our clients seek guidance on how best to maximize the potential value of their company. Several key factors include: solid revenue growth, proven profitability, positive cash flows, and a supported roadmap for future earnings. Your company should have a plan guiding both current and future strategic goals. Establishing key metrics and benchmarking your progress will help grow your business, and it will definitely serve you well when securing additional funding.

If you have questions on any of the topics in today's blog, please schedule a 1:1 conversation with Ruth. Working better. Achieving more. Together.