Working Women, Better Business

Many recent leadership studies have concluded that women are critically important to driving the success of business outcomes. Additionally, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, for the Millennial generation, women (36%) are exceeding men (28%) in higher education. Today, more than ever, we need to understand the potential payoff of increasing women in senior leadership roles. Recently, SEC Commissioner Kara Stein stated that “A number of studies suggest that boards with more women outperform other boards on performance metrics like sales and return on equity. So why aren’t boards of directors more diverse?”

The following articles discuss many aspects of leadership, not just gender related matters.

First, “The State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders Report,” prepared by Gallup, provides an in-depth look at what characterizes great managers based on over four decades of extensive talent research. Page 26 of this report describes why women are better managers than men. This is a study of 2.5 million manager-led teams in 195 countries, featuring analysis that measures the engagement of 27 million employees.

In the Harvard Business Review article, “Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers" learn the subtle, “second-generation” forms of workplace gender bias which can obstruct the leadership development of women.

Finally, in the July 15 Journal of Accountancy article, “Millennial Women: How to Woo a New Generation of Employees,” discover how to attract and retain this important resource for your business.

I hope you enjoy today’s articles and I am happy to discuss a woman’s perspective with you, just schedule a call below.
