Employee Motivation

Great leaders put their employees first. According to the successful entrepreneur Richard Branson: “Your employees are your Company's real competitive advantage.” Today’s articles provide concise advice to motivate and engage your workforce. I especially enjoyed reading about Quicken Loans' work culture and their "ISMs"—check them out in the third link. ISMs are simple, easy-to-read principles and examples, illustrated with pop art, that inform every business decision at the company. My favorites:

  • Yes before no
  • Numbers and money follow; they do not lead
  • You have to take the roast out of the oven

According to Gallup, only 13% of employees are engaged at work. Motivated employees drive increased customer service, profitability, and productivity.

Have you caught someone going above and beyond their normal job requirements recently? A handwritten and heartfelt thank you is a great way to recognize them. Are you the CEO or a senior executive? Taking breakfast or lunch with groups of employees is an excellent way to listen to the needs and ambitions of your team.

We hope you enjoy today’s articles!

Reading List:

Working better, achieving more, together.

Ruth Wallace has been leading business transformation and performance improvement as an executive for over 20 years. Click here or sign up below for the monthly updates.